۱۳۹۶ دی ۲۰, چهارشنبه

Iran Protests

Why Silence Is Not an Option in Iran's Uprising

NCRI Staff

NCRI - When you stay silent in situations of oppression, you are tacitly siding with the oppressor. That is why the US must intervene in the Iran protests, in which at least 50 have died, that has been raging for almost two weeks now.

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley hit the nail on the head last Friday, when she addressed an emergency meeting of the Security Council to discuss the protests and said: "Human rights are not the gift of governments; they are the inalienable rights of the people themselves."The Iranian Regime has responded to the nationwide protests by arresting 3,700 peaceful protesters and threatening them with the death penalty and by cutting off the people’s access to internet services so that they cannot communicate to each other or the outside world. This infringes on the right to freedom of speech, the right to peaceful protest, and the right to not be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.
    Iran: Independent Labor Unions Condemn Protesters Crackdo

NCRI Staff

NCRI - In support of recent protest rallies in the country, Iran’s independent labor unions have issued joint statements to condemn regime’s dealing with protesters.

The five independent formations -- Free Labor Union of Iran, Kermanshah Electrical and Metal Workers Labor Union, Alborz Province’s Painters Syndicate, Association of Defenders of Workers’ Rights, and the Committee Pursuing Formation of Labor Unions in Iran -- have issued a joint statement, condemning regime’s killing of more than 20 protesters as well as arrest of close to 2000, including 100 students, in different cities across the country.